
  Beginning a new painting often comes with an element of fear for me. The blank canvas seems to dare me to approach it! So I snack though I am not hungry or I’ll put on a second pot of coffee. I may flip through an art book or text my son, until finally, I […]

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Vessel of Peace

  In my mind there is the rain, the paint, my palette knife and me. I had a late start today after days of shows, office work, reorganizing and cleaning. It has to be done. I find it difficult to work in a messy space. Then there is the worry, which creeps in sometimes. Oh my goodness […]

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Peace in The Here and Now

As I listen to the birds sing on this gray morning, I am brought back to the present and freed from the anxiety I often feel when I am faced with a day of office work. Very much the stereotypical lone artist in her studio, as much as I love people, there is a part […]

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Morning Light

The vibrancy of a morning sunrise reflecting off calm water, is used in this painting as a metaphor for a still mind. It has been said that “Still waters run deep” and I will agree. In learning to quiet the restless mind, we can access an unlimited supply of grace. With grace, I believe, comes […]

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A Passing

The passing of a summer storm at sunset represents to me, the transient nature of life.  People come into our lives and often move on, loved ones die, there are times in our lives where we enjoy financial abundance and at other times we have so little. We are healthy and we succumb to illness. […]

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The Queen

The Queen   The mature conch is now a warm white. The crusty brown of its earlier years has been worn away with time, revealing the smooth, glossy surface that lies beneath. A gash at her crown is evidence of the meat that has been extracted, leaving only the shell, which represents life,but is not […]

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Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light Deep in the Self the Light persists. We are but a Shadow of the Light that shines within. With all the troubles that inevitably come our way, the question remains, will we choose to shine again today? Giving all we can, though it never seems to be enough, we continue. There exists […]

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My Greatest Teachers

Who would have thought My greatest teachers would be the frailty of my parents and the strength of my sons? The rejection of family, And closed doors of “friends.” The deception and lies of those I thought to be sincere, And sharp criticism of those that hold faults of their own. Through rejection I have […]

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  Daybreak 18 x 36″ A metaphor for hope. The line, which divides the wet sand from the dry, The violet from the green Was a challenge for me to find. After many tries I was satisfied and I stood back from the canvas to find a profile there. It is a profile of a […]

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Thoughts on a Feather

The tiny plant holds the feather tight, the wind off the Gulf blows hard, yet the feather remains tied down, though it is meant to fly. How often we allow others to do the same to us. The negativity, criticism and controlling nature of those close to us, is often difficult to rise above. We are held […]

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