When Spirit Inhabits The Work

My friend and mentor of 25 years has taught me more than I can truly comprehend. In a recent conversation concerning my work she spoke of God’s willingness to manifest His glory through people. I begin my painting only after I have taken the time to quiet my mind. It is after all, God’s peace I strive to convey through my work, so it is necessary I have a still mind before I put the brush to the canvas.

So I meditate and pray, I often do yoga and walk. I play classical music or listen to the birds or the wind through the trees. Then I begin painting. I put my heart, soul and spirit into the piece and somehow, my spirit is communicated in my work. People will often comment that my paintings are very peaceful and calming. This is very rewarding to me as I feel I have created a successful painting when I hear this. To me the difference between Fine Art and commercial art is whether or not an artist has put their heart and soul into their work. Most art enthusiasts can read whether or not they have. There are many skilled artisans and craftsmen out there. Many artists who can paint or draw photo-realistically. Yet if their “spirit” does not inhabit the piece, it will leave the viewer cold. Instinctively most people know this.

My friend Ruzica said, “When Spirit inhabits your paintings Margo, then you are a true child of God. You are allowing God to express His glory through you.” That is my goal. It is easier said than done.

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