A Broken Shell that is Dancing

Shell Dancing

I completed another seashell in my “Faded Beauty” series. Though it was not a conscious decision to start a  specific series of shell paintings, it did begin with “I am  a  Shell” two summers ago. As I was painting this piece,  a poem came to me which is a bit  autobiographical, and  so the painting became a self portrait of sorts. I began to  see  worn and broken seashells as analogies of middle and old age. In a culture that values  money, materialism and the beauty of youth, much is lost in the wisdom and inner  beauty that comes with time, trials and a desire to evolve into a person of love and light.

Besides, there is only one alternative to growing older and that is dying.

I’ll choose to enjoy the inevitability of age, should I be fortunate enough to do so.

This broken shell is dancing.

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