A New Year.

Blessings to you all as we begin a New Year. I am filled with hope and optimism for our world and all who inhabit this beautiful place. Yet, according to the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans, Nostradamus, the Book of Revelations and other sources, 2012 will be the end of time either altogether or at the very least, as we now know it. A polar shift causing numerous catastrophic events including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and frequent category 5 hurricanes will occur.

There are people building underground bunkers and others planning to move north away from the Gulf Coast and what will soon be a second Atlantis, lost forever under the sea.

I think I’ll stay right here, above ground, enjoying the Florida sun for as long as I am allowed.

And as I wait for what will one day be the end of my time on Mother Earth, I’ll just keep trying to be a little kinder, a bit more patient, full of faith and in the Here and Now.

Below is a poem I wrote a few years ago.


A Christmas come and gone once more…

Another year of one’s own lore,

To contemplate and create anew…

The coming year’s resolves, a few.

To write upon the weary pages,

Of one’s own heart, alive yet faded.

Resolutions made and lost,

Triumphs yes, disappointments, cost.

To look at one’s own life and see

The need to change, to grow to be

A kinder, patient, more loving soul,

Rekindle hope in one’s own role,

As giver to the one’s we love,

A calming presence, a peaceful dove.

So far from this I clearly see,

The many flaws that make up me.

Yet hope I choose to hold on to,

The belief in Change Within, Renew.

For in one’s change within, alone,

Lies the key to the difference shown…

In every smile and happy face,

The difference from despair, to grace.

Copyright 2010 Margaret Biggs

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