Another Blank Canvas

Blank canvas look

It is always very intimidating when one starts a new piece. Today I am starting a triptych. It’s a painting I have done before on a smaller scale. Yet I still look at those blank canvases and I wonder if the finished painting will be a success.

Will I be able to create a pleasing image out of several tubes of paint, many brushes and a white canvas?

I try to have the attitude that every painting is practice for the next one. I have been given the opportunity to be paid to learn to be a better, and better, and better artist.

Through my medium I vow to communicate the beauty, and the peacefulness, the calm and the magnificence that can be found by the sea.

Not every painting works out. That is a given. Yet as long as I continue to hear from my audience that my work is peaceful and calming, as long as I continue to challenge myself and improve my technique, as long as my imagery is both peaceful and strong, then I will consider myself a success.

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