Thoughts on a Feather


The tiny plant holds the feather tight, the wind off the Gulf blows hard,

yet the feather remains tied down, though it is meant to fly.

How often we allow others to do the same to us.

The negativity, criticism and controlling nature of those close to us,

is often difficult to rise above.

We are held down.

We give and they turn our gifts away.

We create and they criticize our creation.

We dress up and they suggest we wear a different color.

Though we are kind, we are shunned.

We open our hearts and they slam the door.

In reality, is it so difficult to let go?

There are days when my heart is filled with joy.

Though the challenges I face seem insurmountable,

I am filled with love.

I Am love.

It is then that I know the meaning of true Joy.

Yet in this time and place that I find myself

I am confronted each and every day with people who do not want me.

Yet out of a sense of duty and love, I remain.

The benefits are there too, I readily admit, yet is it worth the pain?



 This too will pass.

I watched that feather for a very long time.

The feather, the wind, the sun and sand…

And me.

When will I choose to let go?

When will that last thread that grips me

Finally break?

When will I be free to fly?

Is it…

 simply a choice?

I think


3 thoughts on “Thoughts on a Feather

  • HI Margaret,
    The comparison of the feather that seems to be eternally fluttering, to the idea of the freedom of letting go of things that are no longer serving you, is very provocative. Personally, I would like to believe that I am above the desperate need to hold on to other’s opinions, certain beliefs and various things, but when I reflect, I see that there I still am.
    Thank you for shining your light.
    Fairhope, Alabama

  • Dear Margaret,
    I am in awe of your ability to convey the essence of your feelings in your beautiful writing. Your description of the feather “struggling” to flee the bonds of the tiny plant, reminds me of a saying I heard years ago that has resonated with me ever since. “Let go or be dragged” It is imperative that we let go of the opinions, criticism, and control of others. So often those, who are unable or unwilling to examine their own unfullfilling lives, target us with their anger, frustration and rejection. It really has nothing to do with us, yet we are the recipients of their pain. Detach with love and pray for them. Yes, you are love. You have given so much love to me in your paintings and your friendship. I am grateful.
    Keep shining your light for all of us to see,
    Orange Beach, Alabama

    • Karen,
      With deep gratitude I write this to you my friend.
      Please call me when next you are in Orange Beach.
      It is words such as yours that keep me moving towards the light.
      With love,

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