The Shark Eye Shell

      Blues and grays, browns, oranges and gold, the “pupil” stares up at me from the center of the shell. There is no blinking. It seems completely aware. It is focused and still. The Shark Eye Shell beckons one to go inward in order to clearly see. “Margaret, you look at the world through […]

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Sunlight and Shadow

The older I get, the more deeply I understand how complex life is. Hence the greater need to simplify one’s life, from daily activities and duties, to the thoughts and moments that fill our days. In so doing, an inner stillness and trust in life develops. If one chooses to look at a “loss” or a “failure” […]

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On Loosening Up

  My strokes are much looser, the paint thick, the fan brush remains untouched as I have no desire to remove any evidence of the brush.  Smooth and clean, have been aspects of my style for some time. “Loosen up Margaret,” my UIC instructor must have said 100 times. Looking back at the paintings from […]

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A Flowering

  “Carol Lynn”    30×30″   Oil on Canvas Be it a shell or a flower, the objects or life I choose to paint often become more than what one may initially see. In the process of my creation, some sort of reflection of a friend or the woman we are, or once was, is there. The […]

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Having completed “Caroline,” she was immediately purchased and now hangs in the living room of the woman for whom she is named. This collector is a lifelong friend who spends a minimal amount of time on the internet and so had not read my FB posts or earlier Blog on the piece. She did not […]

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Thoughts on a Composition

The first of three layers is done. Laying out the composition is the most difficult part of creating a successful painting. The subject becomes a reference and the painting takes on a life of it’s own. There is much more to my paintings than a chosen subject depicted with paint on a canvas. Paying careful […]

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Another Blank Canvas

It is always very intimidating when one starts a new piece. Today I am starting a triptych. It’s a painting I have done before on a smaller scale. Yet I still look at those blank canvases and I wonder if the finished painting will be a success. Will I be able to create a pleasing […]

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A New Year

The New Year is here yet again…….. With enthusiasm and hope I turn my sights to this new beginning and all the wonderful opportunities before me. This is a poem I wrote a few years back on Resolutions. I hope that it resonates with you. Blessings…….. Resolutions A Christmas come and gone once more… Another […]

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My Hometown

Each morning I sit in my father’s old chair and I listen to the birds sing as I watch the sun rise over the Bay. With a cup of coffee, my Bible and The Tao at my side, I am completely content. The long list of each day’s tasks is daunting, yet I religiously take my […]

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More thoughts on the piece “Shell Spiral.”

This depiction of a broken shell is one of hope and inner beauty. The inside of a seashell is to me, every bit as beautiful as the outer. This shell was found on wet sand having just been washed up by the early morning tide. It faces the rising sun, broken and beautiful with the perfection of youth […]

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